Friendship in Life

You’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you’re miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you’ve got a friend in me
Yeah, you’ve got a friend in me

You’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me
If you’ve got troubles,I’ve got ’em too
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you
We stick together and can see it through
Cause you’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me

Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too
But none of them will ever love you
The way I do, it’s me and you
Boy, and as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You’re gonna see it’s our destiny
You’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me

Having good friends in life is very important because they get you through the rough times and you never want to think about a day without them.

You’ve got a friend in me

In life it is always important to have at least one or two friends that you can really count on to be there with you through everything. For me I have my best friend since we were one. We have always been best friends and I hope that we always will be. He is always there for me and I am always there for him. He is a true friend in deed and I am able to count on him through think and thin, and like the song says I hope that “our friendship will never die”.

Sadness in Teens


Some of saddest people on the planet. Teens, we get upset and angry and overwhelmed nearly every day. Some of us learn to beat it and move on from it, but others struggle each and everyday to wake up and go to school. Those people who hate waking up each morning because there dreams are better than there actual life. Those people who go to school and pretend to be normal and happy just so nobody asks them whats wrong. Those people are the ones who know real sadness, they know that it is not easy to move on from their problems, because every time they leave one problem behind, another comes up right in front of them.

I’m sad to say that I am one of those people. I try to hide this sadness in me but I sometimes struggle and sometimes I just can’t do it. People who see me every now and again have no idea, and even my best friends have no idea. This is true sadness, I don’t even have anything to be sad about, I just am. It’s not depression that I have, I just struggle to stay happy for very long because something always brings me down.

I know that there is other people in my life that have the same problem as me but I’m not going to go looking for them and strive to help them because it won’t work.

Teens. We can experience true Sadness


Etymology of Sadness


The word “Sadness” derived from the word “sad”, it means affected by unhappiness or grief. In Old English the word sæd meant having ones fill of food or drink. Then the word started to develop into heavy or ponderous. This meaning in the sense of mentally or physically full. Now in Middle English in c.1300 the word got the meaning of unhappy and serious. It replaced the word Unrot which was the opposite of the word Rot, which mean cheerful and glad. The word then evolved into Sad and started being used in slang as “very bad”.

The “-ness” in Sadness  is from the word Sorrowfulness, with the meaning full of sorrow  or grief.

“Smile, even if it’s a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.” – (A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh)

People use sadness most of the time to describe somebody who is not doing to great at that moment. Sadness gets thrown around like it means absolutely nothing, people treat the word sadness like the people who have sadness, they act like it doesn’t deserve the respect that it should get.

Sadness has been a huge part of my life, ever since I have been little, I have experienced a lot of sadness. It ranges from when my father used to work away from home and I would only see him every 2 or 3 weeks to when Mike died only 2 and a half short years ago. Then there is leaving friends to move to a new country and leaving my old life behind me. But one thing that people don’t know about sadness, is that it is silent. You can’t spot it from a mile away, it could be right next to you as you read this. But it is not the be all and end all, you can over come sadness but first you have to be able to see it.

Has Evil Evolved?

The word evil, meaning profoundly immoral and malevolent has traveled through the ages and along the way, like so many other words, has picked up extra connotations, and has morphed at least slightly. The modern use of evil is often to indicate the impact or gravity of a crime, for example the recent shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary. President Obama described the events that had befallen Newtown as  evil, “As a community, you’ve inspired us, Newtown. In the face of indescribable violence, in the face of unconscionable evil” and “no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world”.  The traditional use of the word is is the human urge to do something malign and despicable,  “If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”.  Despite these minuscule modifications, the main meaning of the word evil has stayed the same and it represents action and events actions and or events so heinous that no other words can aptly describe them.


  • good
  • beneficial
  • virtuous
  • holy
  • pleasant


  • Wicked
  • Bad
  • Sinful
  • foul
  • vile
  • corrupt
  • villainous
  • malicious
  • nasty
  • filthy

Reality (Post 1)


The word “reality” comes from the french word “realite” and directly from the nominative form of realitas in Latin. The meaning “real existence, all that is real” is from the 1640’s, and the definition “the real state of something” is from the 1680’s. Later on it also meant “sincerity”.

Uses in literature:

Edgar Allen Poe’s Poems

“tho’ that long dream were of hopeless sorrow,’Twere better than the dull reality Of waking life to him whose heart shall be, And hath been ever, on the chilly earth, A chaos of deep passion from his birth !”

Jack London’s Michael, Brother of Jerry

“They constituted another world and were as a play of superior beings on an exalted stage where was no reality such as black men might know as reality, where, like the phantoms of a dream, the white men moved and were as shadows cast upon the vast and mysterious curtain of the Cosmos.”
Reality is usually defined as being different from person-to-person, for it is how one perceives the world and life in general.

Dental Impressions

dental impression is an imprint to produce a replica of your teeth and oral tissue. Impressions are commonly used in dentistry for making:

  • Custom mouthguards
  • Custom take-home whitening trays
  • Custom dental trays used for precise impression taking
  • Crowns, bridges, and veneers
  • Dentures
  • Custom abutments for dental implants
  • Models for diagnostic study
  • Model for permanent dental record before and after dental treatment

Dental impressions are most widely known among teenagers as retainers. If anyone is or has been in the process of braces, at some point they will need a retainer. Research shows that without long-term use of a dental retainer, teeth show a natural tendency to shift or drift away from their straightened position. retainer Recognize these? One day your braces will come off and the next big step is retention. So simple yet so heavy of an influence they have in keeping your teeth straight and making your parents money anything but a waste. They’re easy to make too! They may be awkward to talk with for a while and can leave your teeth feeling soar the next day, but that’s normal. While most people with braces have to wear a retainer for a least a little prior to getting their braces off, others may wear them to close gaps, help with speech problems, or to solve certain medical problems. Interesting enough, besides shifting teeth, retainers may also be used to help kids with speech impediments like a tongue thrust (which is a condition where your tongue sneaks through your teeth instead of going to the roof of your mouth when you talk, causing a lisp). There are retainers called crib/tongue cage retainers that are designed to “train” your tongue with small metal bars that hang down from the roof of your mouth to hold back your tongue when you speak.

Etymology of Friendship


Friendship (n.)

friendship (n.) Old English freondscipe; see friend (n.) + -ship.

cronyism (n.) 1840, “friendship,” from crony + -ism. Meaning “appointment of friends to important positions, regardless of ability” is originally American English, from c.1950.

Literary Examples:

“For friendship maketh indeed a fair day in the affections, from storm and tempests; but it maketh daylight in the understanding, out of darkness, and confusion of thoughts.”

The Essays by Bacon, Sir Francis
“I do not reproach you, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan; “’tis only because Monsieur de la Fere has spoken of friendship that I question your conduct.”
Twenty Years After by Dumas, Alexandre
“He then launched forth into a panegyric on Allworthy’s goodness; into the highest encomiums on his friendship; and concluded by saying, he should never forgive his brother for having put the place which he bore in that friendship to a hazard.”
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Fielding, Henry
Common Usage: 
Friendship is most commonly used to describe someone who is there when you need them the most and they can usually make you feel better. The relationship between 2 or more people and the trust that you have between each other.
My own short story:
I know that friendship has been very important to me during hard time. One example of a good friendship that I have had was in 11th grade. The Newtown school shooting had happened earlier that day and my mom was away skiing and toward the end of the school day I found out that my dad was at the school helping the children that were still alive. This was very hard for me to think about and I didn’t want to go home to my empty house so my good friend invited me over so that I had somewhere to go and be with my friend rather than being alone. So this was a very important friendship to me and I treasure moments like this when my friends are there for me.


When friends can sit and silence and still enjoy each other you know that you are true friends and just enjoy each other’s company and you don’t always have to be doing something to have fun.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Stupidity


  • absurdity
  • apathy
  • idiocy
  • ignorance
  • lunacy
  • nonsense
  • silliness

Out of these synonyms, the one that stands out to me the most is “ignorance”.  Although it is listed as a synonym of stupidity, they do not mean the same thing.  To be ignorant is to lack knowledge of a subject.   To be stupid is to lack the capacity to have knowledge of a subject or to think one does have knowledge of a subject when, in fact, they do not.  Another synonym that stands out to me is “apathy”.  Most people do not think of someone who does not care when they think of stupidity.  However, this synonym, “absurdity”, relates to the definition of stupidity in the 1560s: “numbness”.


  • intelligence
  • sense

Blog #2 Success

Success in Business-with my own touch


As I was pondering about what to write in my secondary blog, I stumbled upon this intriguingly designed advertisement. You know, those ones you sneer at on the side of your web browser. The ones that illuminate right as you have visited a new site. You try furiously to click away as they have bugged but one second out of your day. Yet somehow us humans let the little things get to us…But this ad happened to catch my eye. It’s beautifully crafted colors just happened to spark an idea, of a plan of how success can be found in business. It is almost like a blueprint of how a business should run and how it gets processed.

The first step: Create

You have a wonderful idea, but how can it be successful? Your plan should be to come up with the most unique of an idea as possible. This is your time to shine, and anything that goes down-you WILL go down with. This is your work of art. Use it wisely

The second step: Beautiful

You have created your work of art, now make it beautiful. You might say, you have already created your work… Wrong answer. YOU have not done anything. You have not stepped foot out into the business world as an owner at all yet. You have only gotten to step two in the process. I’m trying to reassure you in the most respectful manner possible…no harsh feelings

Step three: Website

Your rounding third base, and your art has become a beaut. If you’ve made it this far… well so have thousands of others. Nothing will set you apart until after the blueprints. Your business is just a work in the making, ready to be taken or copied at any second. Keep your work secretive and remember-one of a kind. Start networking, spread your idea through word of mouth and through the use of websites. You want people to be able to find you.

Step four: Go

You’ve reached all the bases and have taken it all with you. Now don’t stop…GO! You want to be able to run with your idea and don’t back down. A business is not just a business. You should be running right along side it. It is your partner, your friend, someone who only lets you down if you are not loyal to them. This is your one moment, your one opportunity, would you take it? Or just let it slip…

Hatred Synonyms and Antonyms



  • alienation
  • animosity
  • bitterness
  • contempt
  • disgust
  • distaste
  • enmity
  • envy
  • grudge
  • horror
  • hostility
  • ill will
  • loathing
  • malice
  • prejudice
  • rancor
  • revulsion
  • abhorrence


  • admiration
  • approval
  • desire
  • esteem
  • forgiveness
  • friendliness
  • friendship

The synonym that is closest to hatred is loathing, because hatred is in essence loathing someone to the extreme. Hostility is another close one because a person that you hate you may also be hostile towards. Prejudice is another good choice because prejudices stem from hatred.

Impression Etymology



Impression (n.) late 14c.,

“mark produced by pressure,” also “image produced in the mind or emotions,” from Old French impression “print, stamp; a pressing on the mind,” from Latin impressionem (nominative impressio) “onset, attack,” figuratively “perception,” literally “a pressing into,” from imprimere (see impress). Meaning “act or process of indenting” is early 15c.; that of “printing of a number of copies” is from 1570s. Meaning “belief, vague notion” (as in under the impression) is from 1610s.”

Impression is also a homonym


a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning

  • An effect, feeling, or image retained as a consequence of experience
  • A vague notion, remembrance, or belief: “I have the impression that we have met once before.”
  • A mark that appears on a surface by pressure.
  • The act or process of impressing something/someone
  • Printing – a. All the copies of a publication printed at one time from the same set of type.
  •                  b. A single copy of such a printing. A humorous imitation of a voice/mannerisms of a (usually) famous person done by an entertainer. An initial/single coat of color or paint.
  • Dentistry – An imprint of the teeth and surrounding tissues, formed with a plastic material that hardens into a mold for use in making dentures, inlays, or plastic models.


Famous Quotes in literature

“The chief reason for going to school is to get the impression fixed for life that there is a book side for everything.”

Robert Frost

“People have a negative impression of New York that I don’t think is quite fair.”

Billy Graham

“My lasting impression of Truman Capote is that he was a terribly gentle, terribly sensitive, and terribly sad man.”

Alvin Ailey

I love the word impression because of it’s wide variety of definitions and uses. I love that is not necessarily a positive word, but not necessarily negative either. I love that it’s tone depends on the context it’s in, and it has such an important place in the world. For without impressions, nothing would be leaving their mark on anything.

Importance of Warmth to Life

babiesWarmth is something we crave even from a very young age. Babies, when they are first born, need warmth in order to sustain life. Within seconds of being born babies are taken to a heat lamp where they are cleaned and then wrapped in a blanket for the mother to hold. Warmth is especially important to life in colder temperatures, like Alaska or Antarctica. Hypothermia is the condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is dangerously low. Warmth is a derivative of heat and if there is heat there is warmth and with warmth comes an  increase in body temperature. Humans are warm blooded so they need heat in order to live.

chickenWarmth  is not only a necessity for humans, but birds as well. All birds ranging from chickens to parrots lay eggs and in order to have their chicks hatch, they must keep their eggs warm. Chickens specifically are a good example of the necessity of warmth. If a chicken does not keep it’s eggs warm, it becomes a human’s breakfast.

Without warmth life would not exist.


Blog #1 Success

Etymology of Success

  • 1530s, “result, outcome,” from Latin successus “an advance, succession, happy outcome,” from succedere “come after” (see succeed). Meaning “accomplishment of desired end” (good success) first recorded 1580s.

    The moral flabbiness born of the bitch-goddess SUCCESS.

  • “That — with the squalid interpretation put on the word success — is our national disease. ” [William James to H.G. Wells, Sept. 11, 1906]

  • Success story is attested from 1925. Among the French phrases used in English late 19c. were succès d’estime “cordial reception given to a literary work out of respect rather than admiration” and succès de scandale “success (especially of a work of art) dependent upon its scandalous character.
  • “Synonyms
















  • Antonyms










Quotes in Literature:

Failure is success if we learn from it.” Malcolm Forbes

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” Mark Twain

In my opinion

The sweetest victory is the one that is the most difficult. Many of us avoid the thought of failure…that we do not aim to succeed. I do not completely agree with the definition of success pertaining to a happy out come.  The Pope and crusades were successful in recapturing the city state of Jerusalem at the time and stopping the growth of Islam, but it was mainly a much bigger disaster in the long run-they did not foresee. It not only created many future problems for the church, but thousands of innocent people were killed in the process.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. To feel anxious from time to time is expected, especially if you life is stressful. Despite occasional anxiety, some individuals experience severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities, a telltale sign of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness and for people with anxiety disorder, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming and can be crippling.

There are several recognized types of anxiety disorder:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: GAD is the most common type of anxiety. GAD is an ongoing state of mental and physical tension, nervousness. Constant restlessness, edginess, fatigue troubling concentrating and obsessing over negative thoughts are common characteristic of GAD. Even though anxiety is a normal part of our lives, but when anxiety appears to occur for no reason you may have GAD.
  • Social Phobia: Much like minimal anxiety, social phobia is normal. Small degrees of shyness in public places or discomfort in public speaking does not imply an anxiety problem. But when the fear disrupts your life, it becomes a problem. People with social phobia view public situations as distressing, and live in constant fear of being judged or avoided.
  • Panic Disorder: Panic disorder is not just panicking or fearing you might get hit by a car or mauled by a bear. Panic Disorder is when you experience severe feelings of doom that cause mental and physical symptoms that can result in hospitalization. One of the main symptoms of Panic Disorder are panic attacks. Panic attacks can be triggered by over-sensitivity to body sensations by stress or by nothing at all. They are often triggered without warning and are hard to control.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD is an anxiety disorder that comes after a traumatic event has occurred. Reliving the Trauma is a symptom where those with PTSD often relive the trauma not only emotionally but mentally and physically. Responding to triggers is when those with PTSD have triggers related to the traumatic event that bring thoughts or feeling associated with the event.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Those with OCD often exhibit behaviors and fears that are not only confusing to those around you but may be to the sufferer themselves. Obsessions are thought based. A specific or usually negative thought clouds the mind and simply cannot shake it away no matter how hard they try. Compulsions are the behavior based symptoms. They’re a need to perform an action or activity, often in very specific ways and no matter how hard the person tries they cannot stop.






















People mostly think of beauty as a human trait, when in reality beauty can be used in many different contexts. The most popular example of beauty besides a human trait is as (more…)

Mercy, explored!


















-Merci is French for “thank you”

“Sweet mercy is nobility’s true badge.” – William Shakespeare


Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. Knowledge can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Knowledge can be implicit or explicit and can be more or less formal or systematic. I agree with this definition. In order to say that one is knowledgeable  in a subject one must be familiar with the content and be able to include facts and crucial information about their subject.









I think that comprehension and proficiency are the most important synonyms of knowledge. Comprehension is defined as the capacity of the mind to perceive and understand. Proficiency is defined as skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity. Both of these words are very descriptive and strong synonyms of knowledge. They are very similar in meaning but these synonyms are very powerful alternatives.












Know – have knowledge
no – opposite of yes

“The desire for knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it” —Laurence Sterne


Evil Throughout Time



Evil (adj.)

“Old English yfel (Kentish evel) “bad, vicious, ill, wicked,” from Proto-Germanic *ubilaz (cf. Old Saxon ubil, Old Frisian and Middle Dutch evel, Dutch euvel, Old High German ubil, German übel, Gothic ubils), from PIE *upelo-, from root *wap- (cf. Hittite huwapp- “evil”).”

“In OE., as in all the other early Teut. langs., exc. Scandinavian, this word is the most comprehensive adjectival expression of disapproval, dislike or disparagement” [OED]. Evil was the word the Anglo-Saxons used where we would use bad, cruel, unskillful, defective (adj.), or harm, crime, misfortune, disease (n.). The meaning “extreme moral wickedness” was in Old English, but did not become the main sense until 18c. Related: Evilly. Evil eye (Latin oculus malus) was Old English eage yfel. Evilchild is attested as an English surname from 13c.”

Literary Examples:

That the contrary of a good is an evil is shown by induction: the contrary of health is disease, of courage, cowardice, and so on.”

~The Categories by Aristotle

Before he was condemned they had often held discussions, in which they agreed that no man should either do evil, or return evil for evil, or betray the right.”

~Crito by Plato

And nothing evil groweth in thee any longer, unless it be the evil that groweth out of the conflict of thy virtues.”

~Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None by Friedrich Nietzsche

Common usage:

“The city has fallen on evil days.”

Evil, in it’s most modern and common usage is used to describe an action, person, or event so morally incomprehensible that no other word can describe  the malignancy of the action, person, or event. Evil is not simply an adjective or noun used in the English language, it is an idea as well, a summation of the malevolent half of the human conscience, the half that enables humans to murder and rape, the half that allowed the German populace to turn the other cheek and ignore the Holocaust, that allowed them to ignore the mass murders that occurred mere miles away from some of the biggest cities in Germany. It is an idea that was manipulated by philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Aristotle,  and Plato.  Our idea of Evil has sent men to war, it has motivated nations, and it has broken down great nations and people, the likes of which the world will never bear witness to again. Evil is the father, bringer and emperor of all human maladies.

All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure evil with evil.”

~Sophocles , The Sons of Aleus

Luck – The Etymology

luck (n.) late 15c. from early Middle Dutch luc, shortening of gheluc “happiness, good fortune,” of unknown origin. It has cognates in Dutch geluk, Middle High German g(e)lücke, German Glück “fortune, good luck.” Perhaps first borrowed in English as a gambling term. To be down on (one’s) luck is from 1832; to be in luck is from 1900; to push (one’s) luck is from 1911. Good luckas a salutation to one setting off to do something is from 1805. Expression better luck next time attested from 1802.

A gentleman was lately walking through St Giles’s, where a levelling citizen attempting to pick his pocket of a handkerchief, which the gentleman caught in time, and secured, observing to the fellow, that he had missed his aim, the latter, with perfect sang-froid, answered, “better luck next time master.”  [“Monthly Mirror,” London, 1802]

luck (v.) by 1945, from luck (n.). To luck out “succeed through luck” is American English colloquial, attested by 1946; to luck into(something good) is from 1944. However, lukken was a verb in Middle English (mid-15c.) meaning “to happen, chance;” also, “happen fortunately.”

“But, he thought, I keep them with precision. Only I have no luck anymore. But who knows? Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.” – Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea

“Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.” – Garrison Keillor, Lake Wobegon USA

“Above all, he liked it that everything was one’s own fault. There was only oneself to praise or blame. Luck was a servant and not a master. Luck had to be accepted with a shrug or taken advantage of up to the hilt. But it had to be understood and recognized for what it was and not confused with a faulty appreciation of the odds, for, at gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck. And luck in all its moods had to be loved and not feared.” – Ian Fleming, Casino Royale

Lights, Smiles, Courage!

I looked down at my shaking hands.  Snap out of this! I hissed to my jumbled brain. I wiped the sweat off my palms on my shiny new dress. The sparkles soaking up each bead of sweat. I recalled every step in my recital for tonight. It wasn’t my first show, but I couldn’t help but get anxious and nervous. I carefully pick up my mask; the tassels on the top fall over and tickle my nose, I gently blow a quick breath of air to lift it back in place. I can do this, I have the strength.

Tonight was the big night, Mardi gras in New Orleans. Ten other girls readily plaster make up onto their vibrant young faces. Shimmer and feathers entangle themselves as each girl swiftly rushes to help each other. Flashes of neon pink, subtle yellow and exaggerated masks scurry across my vision.  The thick scent of rosy perfume filled the room with a mixture of cigarette smoke. It tickled the noses of every girl and entranced the men outside of their room. The background is blurred with quiet excited shrieks and hundreds of little conversations happening at once. A man comes pounding through the door screaming, “Five minutes to show time, gals!” And the pressure dampens the mood. Every girl frantically recite her moves and gives a little jump of excitement.

I sat all dressed and ready in the corner. I closed my eyes and tried to think about  the pure joy of being on stage. I rubbed my temples and tried to defeat my inner demons  My mind is telling me to stay inside this cramped room, but my body is yearning to step onto the stage.

It only takes 20 seconds of courage, and I promise something great will come out of it.* I mumbled to myself.

“Two minutes gals”

Alright, deep breaths, you can do this, you just have to show a little courage, you are fine.

The girls line up in the order that we practiced in for weeks. Every girl mumbles, jumps, gets the adrenaline going for an outrageous night. I suck in my last breath. You can hear the roar of laughter and drunk holars from outside the door. The bright lights begin to shine through the cracks of the door. Dark and light shadows dance on our faces. My hands suddenly stop trembling, and a surge of fearless, audacity comes forth. My mind sharpens and I face my nerves.

“3….2….1….Show time gals!”

We all prance onto the stage blinded by the bright lights, drowned in the bleating of the trumpets and shine our confident dance moves.

Happy Mardi Gras,

*Ben Mae